How do you cook your fried CHICKEN???

>> Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Fried chicken is one of those snacks that most people assume they can cook because it’s EASY, after all it’s just chicken rolled in batter.

But not so… over the years I’ve learnt that a lot of preparation, goes in to preparing the tastiest fried chicken. For instance there’s the seasoning prior to coating the chicken, and allowing the chicken time to marinade…but essentially it’s the actual chicken cooking process that amazes me the most.

When I visit my mother I notice she still does that old skool fried chicken, by this I mean she will fully fry the chicken on the stove, until the chicken is cooked. I mean she has that golden touch so when you bite into the chicken, it is  juicy and succulent, and the flesh is cooked right down to the bone.

However being an 80′s baby I can’t help but put a little twist to my mothers traditional frying method. So instead of  frying chicken fully on the stove, I fry my chicken until it’s brown and then finish off the cooking by placing it in the oven.

Grab a peek at the pic below not bad for pan/oven fried chicken eh!!

Nothing beats home made fried chicken!

How do you cook your fried chicken? Do you fully fry it on the stove, or do  you use the oven as well?
Share your finger lickin fried chicken adventures.

Editor sherene for –


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