Caribbean Dish of di Week

Hi guys,
Welcome to Caribbean dish of the week, here I’ll be showcasing my favourite dish of the week, and you guys are welcome to get in  on the action by leaving your comments Enjoy x x

Ackee & Saltfish with Basmati Rice
Buy the Ackee & Saltfish recipe kit and cook this dish in the comfort of your own home today Click Here

I choose Ackee & saltfish as this week’s dish of the week because it’s one of the tastiest meals to eat, when you are fed up of eating meat. I especially love the flavour of the Ackees mixed with the rice.

Many Caribbeans (especially my husband) prefer Ackee and saltfish with hard food (which is yam, green banana, dumpling and plantain all boiled together in one pot), but I prefer it with rice…

How about you Carib food lovers, what do you prefer to eat with your Ackee and saltfish? Rice or hard food?

Curry Goat
Buy the Curry goat recipe kit, and cook this dish in the comfort of your own home today Click Here

This week’s dish of the week is…………..CURRY GOAAT (I had to put extra emphasis on the word goat, as when Caribbeans say the word goat, they say it with a  whole lotta passion).

Curry goat is one of my favourite Caribbean meals, I just love the strong texture of the meat and the various spices that’s used to create the dish.

Even though I’ve spent most my life eating curry mutton, I still find it surprising that you can taste two or three different flavours whilst chewing one spoonful of meat.

However you know I could not choose Curry goat as dish of the week, without raising the controversial topic of why people  choose to call this dish curry mutton or goat curry when in fact it’s actually called CURRY GOAT!

Have your say Carib foodies why do people call curry goat curry mutton?

Fried Fish

Buy the fried fish recipe kit and cook this dish in the comfort of your own home today Click Here

Carnival weekend is officially over and bwoy oh boy, did I have my fair share of oxtail and rice!
I spied a stall called  Mays and judging by the preparation and smells, I just knew I would be getting some good food.

I also spied fried fish, and so badly wanted to try, but got side tracked with the oxtail and left it. So late Monday afternoon I decided to fry up some spicy hot fried fish!!!

I served mine with fried dumplings but you can also serve with rice, salad or hard dough bread.

Did you go to a Carnival this weekend? Be it Notting Hill or Leeds tell us about the great or not so great food, you sampled…

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